>new areasThey seem more like branching paths to me.
One in the jungle, one in the plains where you micro yourself (it's around where they Shaymin is) and the only "new" area one seems to be the rock valley one and I wonder if it'll have branching paths or just 1 level.
I liked the game a lot but if you're going to make DLC why the fuck would you mostly the same mons as in the base game where I already have all 1/2/3/4 stars of them? It serves me no purpose, it's just more annoying guidechecking for new 4 star shots of mons I already have 4 stared.
>>47743135Trust me, don't. If you want to 4star every mon you'll need a guide or otherwise you're looking at painfully trying to decipher extremely complicated setups just for 1 photo.
Like holy fuck the way to make the Liepard knock you of the tree is fucking retarded and all you ge is a fucking ledyba eating a stupid apple, something you can photograph the normal way around.