>>47759510It's more like a questionable change, like the tutorials earlier in the game, or a lot of the weird shit FRLG changed. They don't really make the games better, but they don't really make them worse either, and unless you really strongly dislike some stuff specifically I feel like there's a lot of more positive additions to balance it out. ORAS really only has expansions on Gen 6's online stuff going for it, while also seriously fucking up a ton of Hoenn's overall experience.
I guess it's also a difference in design philosophy of different eras, Gen 2 was before legendaries were part of the plot, Gen 4 was where they wanted you to fight them but not necessarily catch them which was more of an obligatory boss fight, while Gen 6 was in the era when they forced you to catch them (or in Lati@s' case, forcing it into your party with a mega stone in the middle of a route).