>>47763731Ok maybe I have spent too much time playing roms with difficulty boosts, but the AI does switch sometimes, though rarely, to counter.
Also, if you've skipped all the trainer battles and are at a decent level diasvantage, super effective moves aren't going to OHKO E4 mons unless you have STAB.
>You mean the thing you can outspeed and instantly winFair enough, playing the base game not restricting yourself in any way that's probably the case. I tend to let myself get underleveled in the games by switching my team constantly so I don't usually easily outspeed strong mons like garchomp.
>no, they don'tFine, I was exaggerating a little bit but it's comparable. Raticate was a totem mon and has 81 attack while Reshiram which N can own has 150 sp attack.
I concede it's been too long since I've played the base gen 4/5 games without being difficulty boosted for me to accurately compare them, but I'd still prefer if they made the actual hard battles consist of a full team of pokemon so it isn't so easy to just cheese with toxic