>Open up in a house of 100 eevees and your parents saying eevees hold the key to evolution and are the superior pokemon. One day they might make them all talk like humans, just like Meowth. The eevees love your parent scientists. Your parents allude to a town full of Pokemon and their own society(the old games).
>Kid's parents are scientists part of another version of Team Rocket and they get murdered by another criminal syndicate that use a weird mix of fairy/dragon type.
>Kid survives but... with the help of his parent's experiments he turns himself into a tiny eevee but which has the property to shapeshift/evolve into all eevees and even into a new big eevee. He runs through a dungeon and fights and kills his parent's murderers, all 7 of them including the trainer that used them. It's not an easy battle, it easily filters you if you disable the "handholding tutorial", it's as hard as Samurai Jack vs the daughters of Aku.
>Team rocket takes the eevee almost unaware who he is and sends him to a house with 100 eeveelutions, these pokemon weren't used as throaway experiments, they are those super smart powerful experiments. A female Sylveon and an Umbreon take a liking to you.
>Opens up with a social path and a combat path which you can pause and progress at any time separately. Yes you can also steal jewelry, but TR advises against it if you're not good at it.
>You get sent on missions by Team Rocket against other criminal syndicates. The team rocket trainers give you plans, items/gadgets, everything and treat you like you're a weird mix between a tool and a human, like a soldier. They also urge you to use every item and to not stockpile on them. The trainer just sits back and relaxes. But instead of doing it in an underground dungeon you do it on city skyscrapers jumping from building to building like you're The Tick.