>>47768934>MudkipMeme power
>TotodileGREAT personality
>SquirtleSolid, iconic shape design, will last thorugh the ages. Good presonality.
>ChesspinGood personality, though slightly overdesigned
>PopplioIconic design, the honker is unexpected but grows on you
>ChimcharGood personality, love the monkey butt, though a slightly nondescript
>TreeckoCool though not overbearingly so. Slightly nondescript
>CyndaquilCleverly designed, though lacking in personality
>CharmanderThe flame is a nice touch otherwise rather nondescript
>BulbasaurMore character than charmander, weird design
>TepigNondescript but not bad
>ScorbunnyGeneric OK design.
>FroakiePersonality is there though the design is kind of a mess
>GrookeyNondescript but appealing
>SobbleSame thing
>OshawottDead eyes though the freckles add a bit of character
>SnivyCondescending, can't get over the yellow cosplay flaps. Could be good.
>ChikoritaZero fucks given. Though I can apprecaite the sentiment.
>FennekinLe pretty fox for the trannies. At least it's pretty and elegant.
>LittenDeviantart called. What saves it is my apprecation for autism.
>TurtwigDead eyes, nondescript
>TorchicDead eyes, nondescript
>PiplupDead eyes, nondescript
>RowletDead eyes. Ugly and lazy design.