>>47805246platinum mainly just added pokemon to the main game and polished what was already there in dp for the most part, so you’re not missing much unless dp bored you for pokedex related reasons
>>47805270they don’t ever enforce this shit, even the most blatant examples. Rule functionally doesn’t exist and thst’s why genwarring is half the board
here’s shit I like from every gen:
1: peak monster design, I love the graphics and overall charm. Insanely ambitious for a Game Boy game and a first attempt
2: two fucking regions is dope as shit and makes up for a good chunk of shortcomings no matter what revisionists say
3: best music in the series, best legendaries, XD and Colo are great even if it’s mainly for the Double Battles
4: my first and the most nostalgic. Really good spin-offs and a ton of cool interactivity with ds/wii/online this gen
5: animated sprites and an entirely new dex were cool novelties, and they actually tried on the story for once
6: a whole new set of 3d models with unique animations was amazing at the time and something we’ll probably never see again. Also appreciated was the fun fanservice in megas, customization, and online/breeding that was actually tolerable
7: character designs and personalities are more fun than ever, very solid monster designs as well. Bucking all kinds of traditions which is respectable in itself
8: competitive battling is easy as it’s ever been, dynamax raids are an extremely good concept. Playing the extra hard Mewtwo raids with friends was some of the most fun I’ve had with Pokemon