>>47896284>extremely good abilityWasted on grass types with no offensive presence
>Amoonguss' grass movesSynthesis, the inferior Recover/Softboiled/Slack Off/Shore Up, and Spore, which is/was inferior to Smeargle in singles and Dark Void Smeargle in doubles before it got deleted.
Clear Smog is a poison move, Rage Powder is a bug move,
>Before Amoonguss got added to the gameThe team role is Spore bot, because sleep is broken without sleep clause and the only half-tanky accurate sleepers for doubles are those two. In singles, tankiness isn't as important as speed and there are better options.
>Every type ever can get walled by itself.Have you never swept a team with a setup mon before?
>What is any Pokemon gonna do when you can't safely switch it in?Maybe not get roasted alive by sun-boosted fire attacks and grass' 4 other weaknesses, or maybe just set up by itself and/or just not be inherently slow, because Drought-Chlorophyll sucks and is no different than a temporary Agility.
>SkarmoryIt was most relevant in gen 4/5 as a partner to Blissey and has been getting slightly less popular each gen, so it didn't have body press and iron defense was useless. Its statline is actually extremely similar to Leafeon, having the same HP and 5/10 more spdef/def. Considering Skarmory at the time used Brave Bird a lot, surely players would appreciate having +25 base spd and +30 base atk, yet Leafeon was always irrelevant. Gee, I wonder why?
>>47896304>>47896318They're really not rare, you don't need to go to grass types to get healing moves, sleep moves, or status conditions, the best Sleep Powder abusers are Compoundeyes Quiver Dancers, which are mainly bugs. Even if a pokemon is godlike, belonging to a typing does not make that typing good, especially because the typing is often the biggest flaw of grass types.