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No.47911688 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Red/Blue, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum...
I hate this forced meme so much. First the Discord zoomers whine about Johto and force everyone to pretend that GSC wasn't a million times better than SwShit, now they are suddenly trying to retcon the only halfway-decent genwun game with its vastly inferior predecessors.
>WAAAHHHHH I dun wanna use Pikachu cuz he's weak and/or for babies WAAAHHHH
1. You don't have to use him, ya know. If you hate being challenged that much, you are completely free to box him and steamroll the game with Charizard, Gengar, Alakazam, or whatever other overpowered shillmon just like you could in RB
2. It kind of seems like you're the one acting like a baby, DESU, considering you're the one crying about pixels on a screen.
>It doesn't add anything to base Red/Blue
1. Interactive PIkachu (again, YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE HIM, but it WAS an innovative new feature whether you want to acknowledge it as such or not)
2. Slightly harder gym leaders and E4
3. MUCH better sprites. This was the first time Pokemon actually looked like Pokemon in a handheld game
4. More colorful than RB if you were playing on GBC or GBA
5. Jesse/James
6. Surfing Pikachu (if you had the balls to go for it in Stadium)
7. Game boy printer connectivity
8. Fewer (though still a lot of) bugs
Granted, it's no Emerald but it was Gamefreak's first attempt at a third version and it was lightyears ahead of RB. Cut them some slack.