>>47953366>GardetardIt looks creepy as fuck in Pokken, it lost all of it's badass and androgynous traits in Gen 4 onward, it's been replaced by a diaper-wearing dual disk loser in terms of being a guardian, it's fucking garbage in battle, it got ruined by being fetishized to the point where GF further panders to porn addicts by continuing to dumb it down further and further, 95% of the people who like Garde in the first place don't even like Gardevoir for Gardevoir it's so fucking lame (they only like it when you slap tits and ass on it and view it solely as a pampering sex doll) and the one new dex entry it's gotten in literal years portrays it as a worthless shitter who just plays with babies while they handed off it's former guardian roll to SHIFTRY of all things. It's design isn't that good, either. And all the attention it gets in spin-offs is half-hearted at best and mid-to-bottom tier at worst.
Frankly Gardevoir's such an easy target to talk shit about I almost believe you were doing this as bait. It is the literal biggest magnet for autism in this entire franchise. Even Lugia suffers less than it does. It doesn't help that Gardevoir's only lasting legacy besides porn is siring a few similar lines in later generations who are literally better than it in every single way and aren't as consumed by degeneracy since Gardevoir's still acting as a sponge for creeps.