>>47956489Got more into competitive in X than in any other game and had more free time back then. Also I found X to be very enjoyable despite its flaws. I went all blind, avoided /vp/ leaks season, something I recommend.
I also predicted that going 3D would make people realize how small the overworld and routes really are, how lifeless 3D models are, and would kill the "fill with your own imagination" feel of all the 2D games and end the image of GameFreak as a small underdog indie company. So while everyone was hyped after the first trailer I anticipated that would turn to hate after release. That exactly happened and a decade of complaints about the newly discovered but old mediocrity of Gamefreak started and has not stopped. Since I anticipated that beforehand, I enjoyed Kalos fully.
>>47956505Gen 2 had the most soul. BW2 the most content. Pokémon peaked at Johto an Unova.
Snap 2 is the best spinoff. I have not yet played the Mistery Dungeon series but keep hearing good things about Explorers of Sky also I'll have to play it.