>>47966162If I may use the analogy of Tetris from the other quoted post:
If you are playing by yourself or against friends, you probably do not have to know advanced techniques and the game mechanics like SRS/rotation systems or openers to win in the game. However, you will start to have to have a baseline understanding on mechanics in the game if you start to really get into it or play something like TGM or Tetris 99. Injecting in Pokemon is the equivalent of setting up T-spins for free, as you didn't really do anything special to get what would otherwise be an advantage over a player. In Pokemon, part of the game is training. It's been like that since gen 1. Regardless of your stance on injection and hacks, you are skipping over a crucial part of the game that gets you to point A to point B where point A is a new game and point B is the capacity to compete at a competitive level. It's not tied to your competitive battles overall, but it is a vital process that the developers intended people to go through.
We can fling shit about how it is tedious, not intuitive, time consuming, etc, etc but the bottom line is that the developers not only have the capacity but also SHOULD enforce rules that dictate how their game at a high level is played simply because they are the developers and as developers it is their right. Your word or my word does not matter in the equation for what is permissible or not.