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No.47965665 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hate these games.

They introduced incredibly annoying handholding and linearization to the series, with the annoying rival friend characters constantly telling you things and giving you items and the free exp boost item that makes it incredibly easy to overlevel multiple Pokemon. The gym leaders are incredibly pathetic, using only 3 Pokemon at most that you can easily sweep, and the Elite Four isn't much better since they only use 4 Pokemon. The region is just a straight line instead of interconnecting paths and you can barely even explore without being blocked by some arbitrary NPC. The big city is interesting but it looks ugly and it's awkward to navigate so it's more frustrating than fun. The story is pretty bad, and the evil team acts too silly and nonsensical to be believable threats.

Also all the 3D sucks all the soul out of the game and was lazily implemented. The animations barely have any effort put into them and suck all the life out of the Pokemon. Also the game is so rushed and unfinished that they barely added any features while removing a bunch of previous features, and there's no fucking post-game except for that weak dragon legendary sitting in the cave and the battle tower clone you get to with the train. Overall the game was incredibly forgettable and showed Game Freak cares more about referencing Kanto and sometimes Sinnoh than putting effort into the series anymore. In conclusion, Pokémon Black and White are very poorly made games. Pic unrelated. Hopefully Game Freak won't make games as bad as it in the future.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant.