>>48001463>studio gain experience in 18 moths of developing games for Home console after their second-ever effort>retard child assumes because she threw a tantrum the devs "listend to her" and her incel fwiendsJesus, you really swallowed the board flavor-aid hard huh? Not understand how games are made, or do you unironically believe the board meme of a bunch of monkeys working on a project could do a better job than Game Freak?
I don't give a shit what you think, but when you go to delusional ends such as these to claim a win, it just shows how hypocritical you cunts are. Seem to remember being laughed at y you keks for thinking the underground is a wild area, due to you having a tantrum over battle frontiers and national dexes and saying everything would be cut from BDSP as your toys got fucked out with the old ways.
And I've been saying Game Freak would improve over time, as they gained more hours making games for Switch, but again shitheads like you ignored me to cry into the echochamber to cheer your immature retard selves up, so fuck off kid. I'm wise enough to know this was going to happen anyway, and not because some burger scut had a 2 year sad over a kid's IP.