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ITT: Move or Ability Ideas

No.48004601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whatever you feel, logical and well thought out or just absolutely stupid. I'll start:


Blight (Bug) - 90bp, Special
Spread move that also removes active terrain

Short Circuit (Electric) - 60bp Special
Always crits against Electric types and has a 30% chance to bypass their Paralysis immunity

Faerie Fire (Fairy) - Status
Burns the target but halves SpAtt

Fluster (Fairy) - Status
The target loses focus and has the higher of their two attacking stats drop -2 levels

Sleeper Hold (Fighting) - 70bp, Phys
Grapples the target and may make them fall asleep (50%)

Spot Me (Fighting) - Status
The user raises Att/Def/Sp +1/1/1 and all attacks targeting them strike their adjacent ally instead. Their chosen ally cannot act on this turn.

Magmantle (Fire) - Status
Covers self with cooling magma. Restores 25% HP and boosts Def +1

Sleep Paralysis (Ghost) - Status
If the target is Asleep, this move wakes them up but makes them Paralyzed

Unfinished Business (Ghost) - 75bp, Phys
Attacks with the spirits of KO'd allies. Increases damage by 20bp for each KO'd ally on the team (scales to 30bp in 4v4)