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Was pokemon ever that good?

No.48038985 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do you like Pokémon? Be honest why did you like it and stayed to play games to this day? Or what made you drop it?
I've played more games recently and honestly, Pokémon itself is kind of mediocre franchise, I had a choice to pick between using my money on something like let's go or Daemon X Machina, gen 8 or I could try out astral chain, Each time I passed up Pokémon for these games, and I had way more fun interesting experience then like 80% of the Pokémon games I've played, I actually regret playing Pokémon so much, I own so many games that I never gave a chance that now when I play them, they are just way more fun, I used to hate Digimon with a burning passion and now I like it more then Pokémon itself, it feels so odd to have absolutely no interest in anything GameFreak has been cooking up, and my standards for games has doubled so what I see just isn't impressive anymore.