New Stats: 82/75/95/75/95/113/BST:535
New Abilities: Contrary/Ambush/(HA)Overgrow
Ambush: 1.5x Attack and Special Attack in Grassy Terrain, but only if the Pokemon strikes first
New Moves: Grassy Glide, Earth Power, Psychic, Extrasensory, Dazzling Gleam
New Stats: 120/123/85/80/65/62/BST:535
New Abilities: Thick Fat/Sun Run/(HA)Blaze
Sun Run: Chlorophyll reskin
New Moves: Gunk Shot, Slack Off, Liquidation
New Type: Water/Fighting:
New Stats: 95/125/105/70/70/70/BST:535
New Abilities: Blademaster/Quick Draw(HA)Torrent
Blademaster: Slashing/sword-based moves gain 1.5x base power
Razor Shell Buff: Base power is now 85 + is boosted by Blademaster
New Moves: Shell Smash, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Psycho Cut, Air Slash, Earthquake, Drill Peck, Drill Run, Outrage, Wild Charge, Agility
New Stats: 88/117/122/64/84/60/BST:535
New Abilities: Bulletproof/Iron Barbs/(HA)Overgrow
New Moves: Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Body Press
New Stats: 75/59/72/124/100/105/BST:535
New Abilities: Magic Bounce/Magician/(HA)Blaze
Magician Rework: Special STAB moves gain +1 priority, if the Pokemon has above 50% of it's HP. Special Fire, Electric and Ice-Type moves gain 1.1x base power
Mystical Fire Buff: Base power is now 85
New Moves: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Earth Power, Dark Pulse, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Brain Drain, Stored Power, Nasty Plot
New Stats: 72/100/67/103/71/122/BST:535
New Abilities: Hydration/Technician/(HA)Torrent
New Moves: Thunder Wave