The reason is just from our real world.
Pokémon as a brand is created by humans, who need to base everything on themselves to find something interesting, because humans want always to be at the center of everything, to always do and always being in control of the narrative.
Humans are selfcentered by nature and put themselves first instead of all the other things.
Humans always are the good guys, humans have to create and base everything on their moral and logical values to find it reasonable and won't accept other answers if not a human one.
So, if it were to be realistic humans weren't supposed to exist in the Pokémon world, but since we're in control of the narrative, they exist and the game will always be centered around them catching creatures and using them at their own will and selfishness.
They could've decided to not capture their Pokémon and let them decide if they want to be by their side, but no, they have to use the Poké Ball mechanic, because they need to feel in control and devalutate anything else that is not human and use it like tools.
This tells a lot about us as creatures and who we really are in our world.