>>48121522You got into the Internet today just to say a man's greatest work, his greatest accomplishment, is not just bad but the worst game ever made.
This man, with his vision, this famous man, who's helmed the most famous and prosperous media franchise's video game division for a decade, just had his finest and favorite work shit on by you. You, a useless piece of shit, some fucking faggot on a dark corner of the Internet nobody gives a fuck about. Your parents don't care about you, you have no friends, you've never had a girlfriend or a woman in your life, and yet you made this call.
And even with your little insult, your pathetic smarmy little comment, you're still dead fucking wrong, because the game sold millions upon millions of copies and was enjoyed by millions of people. That's more attention than any game you'll ever make will get. Masuda will be remembered forever, and you won't, you sad pathetic little man who does nothing but endlessly flail his fists and screech and rage at his own impotence.
You are a completely worthless human being and I can't bring myself to have an ounce of sympathy for you that you can't see the pain this man went through, for all of your experience going through rejection and hardship and isolation you have nothing but contempt for your brethren. You are the lowest form of life and will die completely alone. Masuda will be mourned nationally, and Black and White will be remembered forever.
Think on that before you cry yourself to sleep tonight.