>p-p-p-please, a-anon... stop saying a game i LIKE... is... BAD! y-you cant dude you just cant shit on er um unova, i i i grew up with it OKAY! OKAY? youre a a... a discorder! take that! i-i won! now im gonna project being a tranny on you! T-TAKE THAT DISCORDER! I WON! my childhood game... its finally not being attacked anymore , i cant handle it, m-my mental health isnt okay! y-your argument is n-now i-in... invalid! youre one of the totally real discord raiders, now im gonna samefag and youre gonna get e-exposed! dare i say a s-slur but... b-b-but... R-R-RETARD! get fucked! heres le epic machop reaction image and haunter reaction image and glailie reaction image and wigglytuff reaction image and unrelated screenshot to prove my point and totally destroy you! kalosperm... what do you mean wheres proof they raid? i cant post it because id get banned... even though i already posted enough off topic to get banned... check the archive, i cant post a screenshot because i-i cant okay! i just cant! shut up! time to move the goalposts... youre a... a m-mobileposter... thats a-a-a-a totally valid and reasonable argument and now everything you say is invalid! im right!