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First stage mostly translucent larval crab with sandy patches, actually Water/Ground type with Swift Swim, pre-emptive stat boost when targeted by Water moves, and Dry Skin as Hidden Ability. Relatively high HP and Special Attack, speed and defenses are Ability-dependent to be usable.
Second stage is the Fire/Ground, mix of Hermit Crab and Coconut Crab features, sandy areas become glassy. Swift Swim trades for Weak Armor, new ability stays, Dry Skin still Hidden Ability. HP and defenses increased to outright wall with Special, speed risen to have +1 be in potential sweeper ranges, and Special Attack brought up to par for serious offenses.
Main thought for a signature move is an all-hitting non-contact Physical Water move with 200 base Power. Including allies and the user, mind you. Defenses and attack ultimately having this be ~50% health, making it so that using it with Weak Armor holding Absorb Ball or Weakness Policyacts as turning into a Sweeper via the other three moves, while Luminous Moss or Passho Berry enables more tanking with a Doubles support 'mon.
Alternatively, glass-making Special Fire move that leaves the target with improved Defense required for evolving, acting as a more specific risk-reward matter shoring up normally poor Physical defenses with only chip damage, keeping dependency on others to supply ability interactions. But that's not as fun or crazy as a Pokemon who's entire strategy is "hit self with 4x-effective move on par with *Explosion*, and walk away still perfectly fine to fight".