lesbianon is back. got my jab, feeling empowered.
>>48226002fair observation, you might be right
>>48226232>Falkner literally has a girlfrienddoes he? shit, i didn't know that - like i said, im not good at judging males
>>48225928i forgot the trial captains and kahunas or whatever they're called so let's do them too
>Lanadoesn't know what sex is
>Mallowi wish she was gay but i think she's straight/bi male leaning
>Aceroladoesn't know what sex is, wouldn't care if she did
>Minafreaky. this girl would fuck LITERALLY anything.
>Hapudoesn't know what sex is, if she did she'd be a pokefucker.
anyway, elite 4.
>Loreleidoesn't care what you are, she will dom the fuck out of you.
>Phoebepowerful pansexual
>Glaciai dont remember her at all but she looks like the type to marry a man to please her family but be closeted lesbian
>Shauntalno idea. possibly bisexual
>Caitlinstraight but she will not actively participate in sex at all
until she finds out about bdsm.>MalvaGAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY
already covered Olivia and Acerola so
>Cynthiaas the other anon said, way too good for men. lesbian.
>Dianthadon't know who this is