[17 / 3 / ?]
I sold my entire Pokemon collection in 2019, all original, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon White, Pokemon White 2, Pokemon X and Y, Pokemon Sun, FireRed and SoulSilver, and multiple official guides, the boxes in mint condition and with their instructions, for $500, is there any way I can get it all back?
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>>48233928 >Just $500 Retard
>>48233928 Why did you sell it in the first place if you want it back dumbnut
>>48233928 Oh for sure, but maybe for like 4-5k
>>48233928 How'd you get only $500 for all that, the price for HGSS pre-owned onward is pretty high alone.
>>48234070 I thought I grew out of Pokemon. But now Pokemon Legends is coming and I am interested again.
>>48234100 It was before prices blew up.
>>48234089 I meant if there's a way I can track back the person I sold it to and make him give me back my stuff, legally of course.
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>>48234113 I saw them at something £50 (£70 something) in 2018.Those guides certainly tipped it over the edge of being ripped off.
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>>48233928 No. You dumb fucking cretin, you fucking fool, absolute fucking buffoon, you bumbling idiot. Fuck you.
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>>48233928 >Tranniers Never getting a revival
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>>48234120 Ah a bait thread. No one is that dumb. Everyone knows online sellers have policies against giving info on buyer to prevent individuals with sellers remorse doing more retarded things. If you just sold it through creglist or something you would have a phone number to ask
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>>48234120 Obvious fucking bait
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>>48233928 Why did I find Rika so hot as a kid? Is it the bad girl thing or the lesbo vibes with Renamon?
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I’m friends with a scalper faggot who tried to get me to sell all my original Pokémon games from Gens 1 and 2. I told him I would never sell them, since my deceased grandparents gave them to me as Christmas and birthday presents when I was a kid, and the pittance I would get for them wouldn’t outweigh the sentimental value. Selling used hobby and entertainment items is what poor people do.
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>2019 >mint boxes >only $500 are you by chance retarded?
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>>48233928 >mint condition boxes >500 dollars anon those boxes would've been worth like 2000