Bug/Water for Krabby and Kingler is seriously underrated and makes them a lot more fun to use.
>>48240916Nothing about Scyther in his design or lore denotes a Dragon type.
>>48240980>Ampharos: Electric/DragonPeople only choose this because of a Japanese pun that may or may not have been intentional at the time. Otherwise if it weren't for the Mega (Which is a stretch but even that you can at least understand outside of the name pun with "It denotes how powerful and mighty it is and how it has ascended") no one would ever think of Ampharos as a dragon.
>>48241009I feel like this is chosen purely for meta reasons. Steel/Rock is fine.
>>48241211>Pinsir bug/fightingFighting should be focused more on martial arts styles. Pinsir just fights like any animal would do. Additionally Pinsir has a valuable niche as a pure Bug type which isn't common.
>>48241716I always have loved this one, hinging on both Stantler being a scarecrow, and it's antlers being extra-dimensional.
>>48242355Youkai can easily include Fairy type, and debatable others too.
>>48243517>>48243594>x/NormalNormal dual types that aren't Normal/Flying should be used sparingly, and for Pokemon that are truly weird or use it in fantastical ways. Girafarig is a perfect example. Rockruff just because he's a dog doesn't need to become Rock/Normal. He's fine as a pure Rock type.
>>48244437A lot of these are pretty eh but to bad but there are a few good gems here. That said
>Paras/Parasect: Bug/PoisonI get why you would want to make Parasect Bug/Poison, but this would be one of the few times where I think the meta reason pushes it just over the edge. Bug/Grass is very rare, whereas Bug/Poison is abundant. Fungi in general are just in a very weird place in Pokemon.
>>48245594Making the Johto starters dual types is a bad idea and ruins their theme.