Shiny competitive breeding. Too much to do and so much grey area for a "legit" shiny.
Before you even start, you need the Oval and Shiny Charm.
Then you gotta prep the parent of the Pokemon you want to shiny hunt. You gotta make sure you have the right Nature, IV spread, Ability/Hidden Ability and Egg Moves. There's also breeding in a specific Pokeball that's a "legal" combination that adds to the autism.
Next you need a foreign Pokemon. The most commonly used partner is Ditto. Most people use a hacked 6 IV foreign one.
With all that, you go from a 1/4000 chance of hatching a shiny to like 1/500.
All that to potentially hatch the perfect shiny pokemon. It's a good thing there's Mints, Bottle Caps and Ability Capsule/Patch cause if something was wrong, you'd have start over again.