>>48290964Peak Biowate fits alongside Obsidian's best RPG wise, for fairly obvious reasons. I admittedly overstated Obsidian's size, which is more comparable to Bioware itself. Less you're implying one is superior to the other?
>>48291440I get this point, but EA's business culture was already stated by some Bioware employees on their own forums to have influenced the development of some of their IPs, Dragon Age 2 being a good example. I actually liked DA2, but it was no Origins. EA wanting to rush development to cash in or appeal to a "wider audience" is no secret. I suppose you could argue that's necessary for outreach and sales they might not have obtained otherwise. EA claims a hands off policy to studios like Bioware nowadays, so we'll see.
To your second point, doesn't Nintendo own apart of Pokemon's IP brand? Game Freak isn't an in house studio, so I suppose you're correct in terms of game development. I'd like to think that due to affiliation they'd want Game Freak to be at peak quality, but I guess as long as it doesn't affect actual sales, charts like OP's won't matter. Public perception of Game Freak in NA did nothing to stem Gen 8 being profitable, they'd sadly only care if Japan viewed GF negatively.