>>483031301.3d Models look so souless, they just stand still with a blank expression, and for some reason all the colors are washed out.
2. Most of the Mega Evos look like fucking dumb shit a edgy 12 year old drew, they also pause the flow of battle for no reason and started the trend of game freak making retarded gimmicks each gen.
3.They ruined the EXP share to add a baby mode, You can't use the EXP share for it's intended purpose anymore (which was getting a low leveled pokemon near the level of your other pokemon without having to switch train or overlevel)
4.Worst Rivals in the entire series completely forgettable.
5. Instead of buffing the worst type (Ice) they made a new type that makes Ice even more useless as fairy completely outmatches it.
6. Team Flare is the worst evil team in the entire series, They are steal alot from team galactic with much worse execution