Can any injector fella help me out with this request? I would love to get a shiny zygarde caught in a dream ball but,with dynaxmax liar it's actually impossible due to the retards making always the wrong choices in terms of pkmn and paths to take. I would love it like this:
Zygarde @ Beast Ball
Ability: Power Construct
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Thousand Arrows
- Dragon Dance
- Superpower
Of course it has to be usable online. In return i have some legendaries from pokemon go, legendaries from the game aside the dyna adventure (up till keldeo and the peony speciak research),shinies ,the 3 alolan starters shiny with ha..just ask away what you need and i see what i can do.
I also have another question. I was thinking of putting a hacked shiny charm instead of the beast ball but i doubt it will work right? Because i remember in platinum,i once did hacked the oak letter for the shaymin event,but it didn't trigger,i guess due to the legality check.
Thanks to anyone willing to help me out,much appreciated