I exclusively play from my five favorite types these days.
Water, Rock, Grass, Poison, and Fighting.
I used to do it competitively and topped the ladder a few times (mainly with water but once or twice with poison), but these days I just make theme teams. Fossil themed rock mono, or, back when Minior was still in the game, "The Dinosaurs + The Thing That Killed Them", so a fossil team + Minior. Really miss that mon, shell smash white herb acrobatics really saved my ass against grass teams but I suppose with Rillaboom in the meta it wouldn't be of much use anymore. I have a more generic rock team as well.
My water teams include more variety because of the higher number of pokemon, mainly. Balanced Water, Mono-Water Stall (hit or miss as you'd probably guess, basically autoloses vs grass but so far has absolutely destroyed most dragon teams), and Hyper Offense Water are three that I've been using more recently, but mainly I've been playing with a "Deep-Sea" themed team in Toxapex-Gyarados-Milotic-Lanturn-Starmie-Gastrodon and really enjoying it.