Too many, so I'm only going to list the ones that actually took effort (no wormhole or community day shines)
Leaf Green:Sentret
Emerald: Poochyena (first full odds shiny)
Diamond: Shinx , Machop, Larvitar, Aggron, Beautifly, Corsola, Bidoof. Pachirisu, Starly (I think I'm forgetting some)
Pearl: Luxray (My first legit shiny chronologically!)
Platinum: Electivire, Roselia
Heart Gold: Metapod
Soul Silver: Grimer
X: Fletchling
Y: Bisharp (bred), Serperior, Braxien, Dunsparce , Skrelp, Gulpin, Wingull(I feel like there's more from here)
Sun/Ultra Sun(No non legend/ub wormhole): Mimikyu, Rockruff, Incineroar, Rotom, Scizor, Snorlax, Blitzle, Froakie x2, Bronzong, Oranguru, Mudbray, Pellipper, A-Raticate, Toxicroak (I'm sure thete was more here)
Go: (no community day or boosted shinies) Pikachu x3 (I think 2 of those were full odds, I think one was boosted but the other 2 were full odds for sure), Purified Omanyte (I was dumb), Bulbasaur, Duskull, Wooper, Xatu. Also Rayquaza, Meltan and Melmetal although those are kinda boosted
Let's go:
Carerpie, Growlithe, Gastly
Sword (I'm not going to list manipulated or boosted raids):
Grookey, Cinderace, Intelleon, Perrserker, Flapple, Falinks, Rowlet, Venusaur, Squirtle, Passimian, Rotom, Sylveon, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Seismitoad, Porygon, Poliwrath, Politoed, Kingdra
Soft Reset: Dracozolt
Dynamax Raid: Avalugg (I'd like to imagine this one wasn't raid modded)
Dynamax Adventure Succesful hunts: Kartana, Xurkitree, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Blacephalon, Heatran
Dynamax Adventure accidents:
Wartortle, clefable, A-Persian, Dugtrio, poliwrath, marowak, seadra, starmie, togetic, whiscash, absol, musharna, hawlucha, trevenant, aurorus, mimikyu, palossand, greedent, copperajah, druddigon (this one hit a sore spot, it also appeared with a shiny rotom, and I had to give up the rotom, ruining my perfect shiny streak)