>>48397391With that, we get at a bare minimum, 3 new evolutions, 2 new forms and 2 tossups, with a total of 7. But that's just the minimum, there are tons of other possibilities in the game. Normally they do 8 milestones in the adventure, so let's say there will be another set of Wardens, one with Diamond and the other with Pearl. That gets you another 2 tossups at minimum. But those could be part of larger families, as could Arezu's Noble, let's say hypothetically that Arezu gets a 3-stage line with two being forms and the final either being a form or an evolution. The other two unknown Wardens both get 2 stage lines, that being one spare form for each. Let's also get crazy with this and say that Decidueye, Typhlosion and Samurott are all getting new forms too, and that there will be two additional tossups in there just for fun. Add all that up and you get potentially 3 new evolutions, 9 new forms, and 6 tossups. That right there is 18 altogether, and I don't think that's too unrealistic when you break it all down. That's more than what we got in both DLC waves combined.