>>48404298Being that Hatterene has grown to become my favorite Pokemon (rivaled only by Sableye) and I use her on damn near every time, I've had quite of lot of experience with her over the couple of years she's been around.
With all that said, given my love for the Pokemon, I have indeed tried to use her signature move. I love the concept of signature moves in general and some of them can be pretty cool, but Hatterene's just...isn't. In all fairness, I have a hard time coming up with an offensive move unique to Hatterene that would actually be good without just being a close of an existing move or falling into "x but better" syndrome, because she's genuinely got everything she needs in her kit to succeed. I do think the best choice for Hatterene's signature move was a status one that was effectively a witch's curse, but while Magic Powder is an interesting idea for this (it's kinda similar to Forest's Curse, in a way) it's too much of an opportunity cost to run it over Hatterene's significantly better options. In fact, so few people actually used the move that when I went to do research on it at the time I couldn't even find if it was affected by subs or not.
So, I had to puzzle it out the old fashioned way and taught my beloved in-game Hatt the move to test it out. The result is that, yes, subs block the move. This, plus grass-types being immune to it, makes it too niche to actually use. You could potentially make a set with it, with Magic Powder to make them psychic and then Shadow Ball to take advantage of it, but if they just switch out turn one the gimmick is blown. It can potentially let you beat Heatran, but at the cost of losing to a ton of other stuff.
Once I was done testing I decided to go online and have a good few bouts with my Hatterene before I went to bed
only to send her out the first game and realize too late I'd forgotten to delete Magic Powder and replace it with Calm Mind.
Barely won that one, but the lesson was learned.