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No.48446522 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>there should be a wind type!
That's literally Flying

>rock and ground should be merged!
Their physical properties are too different to fuse in a rock/paper/scissors game where physical interaction between elements happens to matter. Water and Ice are also rightly different because they behave as though different.

>grass should be renamed plant type!
That sounds clunky and Grass is more like mother nature type anyway

>water should be weak to poison!
If you introduce pollutants to a Normal Type vs a Water Type, the Water Type is going to be better off because it has MORE water content which dilutes said poison. They can also summon new water, to flush it out of their system. Water is a healing force that washes impurities away.

>steel should be weak to electric!
Faraday cage, bruh. The metal shell around airplanes and cars protects them from lightning.

>fairy sucks! it doesn't make sense!
No you've just made an emotional decision on the basis of you feeling threatened by girly shit and you try to invent bullshit excuses. In reality Fairy is just as valid as Ghost or Dragon are.

>steel should be weak to ice!
While yes the cold permeates metal and can make it brittle when the cold is intense, most Ice attacks are literally just throwing snow/ice at the foe. Can't do shit against solid steel.

>dark and ghost should be merged!
They're literally not the same at all, learn some nuance goddammit.

>there should be magic type!
Not only do Psychic and Fairy handle different aspects of this but ALL Pokémon are magic. Magic is only interesting or special if everything else isn't also magic. Otherwise you're confined to witch hat cliches.

>there should be a fish type!
What the fuck?