Stop generalizing this board. There are at least 3 of us that post here and we have slightly differing tastes.
I can only speak for myself but the things that I want arent very unreasonable. I dont presume to know how common these opinions are but I'm sure others feel the same.
Include all the pokemon in the game. Not catchable in the game necessarily but at least programmed into the code from launch. Ruby and sapphire at least had them programmed with sprites and all and a lot of them weren't even catchable until years later.
Reduce handholding and linearity. Make exp share optional again, dont have brain dead warps and free heals everywhere, leave some mystery and exploration. I dont want every town or route I step foot onto to be a trap where the hop clone ambushes me and dumps exposition and tells me exactly where to go and what to do, and even stops me from diverging from the path. I guess agency is a good word for it but thats apparently just a meme buzzword.
Add a difficulty setting. How hard could that really be?
Balance some mons a little bit. Not everything has to be a 600 bst pseudo but a little bit here and there.
I think thats it unless any anons who think similarly want to add anything. Pretty reasonable right?
But again. Vp is not one person. Its at least three people maybe even as many as ten! Dick. Dont lump everyone together. Most people dont want stupid shit like gore and swearing or abilities to date their pokemon. Thats just Steve. But me and bob dont like him. See? Varying opinions.