I just think they're neat. If Dialga is ruining your immersion replace it with Salamence or something
>>48447493Pretty standard, don't like/hate any of those guys
>>48447659Cool theme, do you like archeology in real life?
>>48447784Absurdly lucky whale man. Clawitzer is cool though.
>>48448049Grovyle is real cool, not a fan of Banette though
>>48448066Based Pokemon abuser
>>48448188Another standard list. Nihiligo is my favorite out of the 6
>>48448632bretty neat, good NFE choices
>>48448651Too cutesy, not a huge fan.
>>48448841I like it, Flapple is a good numon
>>48448966Pretty standard, but I like Toxicroak
>>48449074Based Articuno