I just joined.i have been stalked for about 11 years. I'm 54,a master electrician and former police officer 30 years and running but not active at all in the role..this is what I come up with regarding gangstalking.its real.its what is responsible for mass shootings such as myran mae the FSU shooter and many others and is still moving forward. considering this you must take it that the people doing this know and don't care. Thats bad. The people are the intelligence apparatus of the United States. It's what Eric Snowden was outing. He said AI will be more like a robotic police officer ( aka drone) but due process and the constitution won't matter.its
true.im punished for thought not even unlawful just for saying something or reaching out to government to complain about gangstalking.its an artificial neural network on a robotic platform and behavior modification or some other program.drone swarm is what your looking for.google federal surveillance drones at night and you will see a picture. Its brain mapping.its you and the network includes everyone and everything you
know.it downloaded you before you knew it was there.onr of the fishing holes is xfinity and Comcast pay perview.they are a profiling location.this system called gangstalking is in conjunction with your TV and internet package. The drones read your thoughts while you watch the programming and know what your thinking and what your looking
at.it also loads your programming with a set of your channels but with an alternate package loaded with things for only you to
see.it could be anyting.you ever wonder why the cable channels go up to 3400 plus. Its because they can move your whole package and you won't notice it,your not seeing what your neighbor is on whatever channel. The system can do many things all automated ,send emails,phone calls,put post online,show movies with actors you saw earlier to let you know,it
knows.it can tell if you have seen something
befor.it can perform thought identification.