>>48458011>ContrarianHow the fuck is HGSS being top tier contrarian? I judged them by how much fun I had with them as an adult, no nostalgia, no bullshit, just "did I have fun?"
HGSS are always fun to go back to, platinum is too despite their faults.
DP are just platinum without some of the annoying bullshit like the distortion world. Y gave me a feeling I hadn't had since I powered on Pokemon blue for the first time on an original GB and generally was just a solid entry with mechanics that made the game more fun. LGPE are fun because of the starters and the catching mechanics which are wholly unique to the RPG-style games.
FRLG are fine, but the Sevii islands really drag them down as does being on the Gen 3 Engine. ORAS were servicable and better than the originals by a wide margin.
Yellow is better than RB but that's not hard to do and it still suffers from a lot of the same issues. Crystal again is better than GS but only barely and suffers from some of the same issues.
BW2 really ought to be a tier lower. They're worse than BW1 by virtue of too many forced gimmicks - Pokestar and PWT, not to mention the slog of a pace and forced tutorials in the early sections and TONS of unskippable cutscenes forcing a shit story down your throat. RSE are gen 3, and I hate them because they're a half-step between gens 2 and 4 as well as having ugly graphics and awful new designs across the board. RB are down here because they're buggy messes that are surpassed by LGPE and FRLG in every way.
BW1 are slogs because of the same reasons BW2 are, and the "Twist" at the end is extremely predictable. You know Plasma are gonna be generic bad guys right form the get-go, and they're awful at hiding it - they basically reveal it immediately with the grunts kicking munna. Couple that with a shit dex and they're awful. Didn't evne finish USUM because the tutorials at the start bored me to death. I know how to fucking play pokemon gamefreak.