>>48457584>Fuck people who don’t want their entire party to be up 20 levels due to EXP shareWon't matter anyway. You could be 20 levels underleveled and still sweep Cynthia with no effort.
>Fuck people who enjoy post-game funThere's plenty to do that's fun. The buttsex frontier isn't fun.
>Good riddance to content integral to the Sinnoh storyIt's not, because it wasn't in the original two games.
>Chibi shit with bloom all over the place and bad lighting looks goodBetter than sprites with half-assed jaggedy 3d boxes.
>A pokémon game doesn’t need good musicDoesn't, youtube exists. I never play pokemon games with the sound on.
>A pokémon game doesn’t need all the pokémonYou fags jerk off hoenn despite it not having all the pokemon, double standards much?
>A “remake” doesn’t need new content, and it’s okay if it removes contentIt adds content too dumbass.
>More content is a waste of timeDepends on the content, if you're talking """content""" like HGSS had then absolutely, fuck the suicune quest.
>One shitty minigame that’s just a rendition of one that already existed is better than all the minigamesPokemon contests in general are shitty, I never bothered with them in platinum I'm not going to bother with them in BDSP.
>QoL features shouldn’t remain because “muh zoomers”EXP share, HMs as a poketch app, and anywhere PCs are QoL features retard, infinite TMS exist only for compshitters whose opinions don't matter.
>It’s okay that pokemon requires you to pay just to battle or trade onlineOnline services cost money you communist zoomer.
>It doesn’t matter that this “remake” didn’t fix the original game’s problemsThe original game's problem was that it ran like shit, and lo and behold it fixed that.