>>48458930>>48458919>>48458946In fact, this holds true across ALL of the elite four!
>Aaron>DPDustox level 53, Beautifly level 53, VEspiquen level 54, Heracross level 54, Drapion level 57
>PlatinumYanmega level 49, Scizor level 49, Heracross level 51, Vespiquen level 50, Drapion level 53
>Bertha>DPQuagsire level 55, Sudowoodo level 56, Golem level 56, Whiscash level 55, Hipplowdon level 59
>PlatinumWiscash level 50, Gliscor level 53, HIppowdon level 52, Golem level 52, Rhyperior level 55
>Flint(DP Team is LITERALLY more type-diverse than Platinum btw)
>DPRapidash level 58, Steelix level 57, Driftblim level 58, Lopunny level 57, Infernape level 61
>PlatinumHoundoom level 52, Flaeron level 55, Rapidash level 53, Infernape level 55, Magmortar level 57
>Lucian>DPMr. Mime level 59, Girafarig level 59, Medicham level 60, ALakazam level 60, Bronzong level 63
>PlatinumMr. Mime level 53, Espeon level 55, Bronzong level 54, ALakazam level 56, Gallade level 59
ALL of their Platinum teams are lower-leveled and most of them are less varied or difficult in Platinum. Play the games you false-flagging cunt.
>>48458957Gastrodon also has Sludge Bomb, which with Fairy type added means it's got better coverage in the remakes than in the original, on par with Tokekiss at the very least while also being higher level AND being one of the better dual typings. Togekiss is now Fairy/Flying meaning it's actually GAINED weaknesses since the change and is even more of a pushover. Dude ought to be glad it got replaced with Gastrochad.