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No.48464098 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>want to buy pokemon things I'm willing to give money to like I used to
>l like ORAS
>if new ORAS stuff released I might buy it
>ORAS has people who hate it and they don't want to see it supported
>would probably just ignore them and buy what I like because its faults don't bother me
>I hate gen 8 and don't want to support it
>start to actually feel angry at the thought of someone ignoring the criticisms and giving money to say the way galar was released is ok
I would like to have my mind changed about ORAS because I'm considering doing another casual playthrough soon. If you provide a point please consider providing what would have to be changed about it to be a tolerable compromise for you. If you remember a post that you agree with / have posted your opinion before that doesn't need to be reposted please link it. Thank you for reading and thank you in advanced for your time if you reply. Don't care if I just sounded like a faggot for that last part.