>>48490763Umm... how about GameFreak rebalance some mons like vileplume so it isn't stuck as "venusaur but worse" , give weaker mons better movepools or give them a buffed version of their abilites, or even multiple, so the can be somewhat viable without relying purely on their stats. Although honestly the battle mechanics needs something of an overall in my eyes, the whole switch in a pokemon kill it in 1 - 3 hits switch another is getting stale
this whole "letting under utilised mons shine" is a load of shit, we all know it's because of their incompetence and time restraints
what did sword and shield do that is really an improvement?
>graphicallyjust gen 7 with a higher polygon count (?) and no pixelation filter, pokemon still look washed out and stand idly in battle
>Musicsubjective, but I think this is their worst ost for a mainline game
>GameplayThey took out moves like return and hidden, some may argue that this could force creative straergies or something, but to me it only seems to nerf mons with smaller movepools
Dynamax is a lame gimmick of just more Z moves but you get more HP as well
also removed the petting feature which was literal kino
>StoryAss, but not really a surprise, GameFreak arnt the best writers