My opinion is that it's immature and silly. Like a young boy going through the motions of sexually maturing but falling into the pitfall of these sick perversions. Except these are often not young boys but men of age. Men in their 20s and 30s, and God forbid, or even older than that. Men who fell in love with fantastical critters instead of real women.
Often times when these discussions play out people here tend to ignore the context of the series itself instead opting to inject their "headcanons" and other nonsense. Trying to find comfort within the franchise by bonding it to your inane views is very silly. Verily I have done much to show how silly it is. A Pokémon is not a person for you to romance, this isn't mass effect where you can romance aliens. No, a Pokémon isn't even a person within the framework of their own series. For the most part Pokémon are fantastical beasts that also double as your magical battle pet. The series makes this pretty explicit, the makers of Pokémon are NOT subtle about this at all but because the Pokémon, like many other media with critters, display some amount of anthropomorphic(human) behavior and because of the sexual inanity here you people become blinded to it. Verily, verily even the game series has no trouble implying Pokémon do some of the more unsavory things animals do. Like actually just peeing and pooping anywhere just like a real pet. The games imply Pokémon do their business anywhere just like real pets and even in packed enclosed spaces with people in it. It's as if
>>48534007 is more true to the series than most here care to admit. The game even has you going around and picking up pokemon poop inside a mall.
So in short people need to grow up and stop their inane lust after critters made to entertain children, critters that mirror animals and pets in a fantastical manner and overall just get over it for the sake of everyone.