>>48539721Gen 1 centric again. Any reason why Tangela is on the team or is it just cool to you? I wonder how those blue vines feel. Firm ,or squishy...
>>48539846Another dream plan! Shiny shuckle too, I guess you're unlike Sonic though.
I feel like Froslass might be a danger to take to a lake, but hey, if it suits you, it suits you.
>>48540070Not bad Mike, not bad at all. I'm going to guess it's going to be a hard hitting team too, given that it's made up of your favorites.
Can you pick up the phone now?>>48540238Hey, I remember you from the other thread! What a plan. Honestly, out of all of the plans from that thread, I really hope that you do end up in the Pokemon world just to fulfill it.
>>48540746Kind of a small team, but it fulfills a lot of niches. A focus on the bipedal though, that's interesting.
I just realized that the unown are because those are empty slots.>>48540748Houndoom, respectable, and heaven forbid I ever piss you off. Any particular reason for Finneon or just "it's cool"?
>>48541970It doesn't feel right without one of the two moon Pokemon. Otherwise, fantastic team.
>>48542230Tyranitar feels out of place, but otherwise decent enough team. I like the Arcanine. You better hope to god it doesn't develop and obsession with sweets though, or its fur will be impossible to keep maintained.
>>48542296Never too late to get rated! Interesting choice on Chespin's evolution and Teddiursa. You've got a pretty diverse team, although I don't recognize top right. Which Pokemon is that?
>>48542353Another classical military theme. Don't mind it of course, brings some interesting ones. I wonder how Sirfetch'd leek would feel, sharp or dull.
>>48542754A hell'va team! Definitely would kick my ass in battle.
So let's keep it on friendly terms, eh?>>48543409Monotyped Pokemon, fully evolved, and all Gen 1. Was that a coincidence? Either way, Raticate and Sandslash seem like fine Pokemon to study.