>>48546255Based on the current type specialists I think the usual occupations can be grouped as;
> Just here for BattlingFire, Ice, Normal & Dark
Normal does have a degree of education with its specialists though and Dark-Type specialists tend to talk more about stuff that affects the battle besides the battle itself, Fire and Ice-Type specialists though are pretty well focused on just battling and not much else.
> Physical laborRock, Electric, Fighting & Steel
Rock & Steel both have an association with mountains, caverns and mining. Electric-Types are often mechanics or inventors. Fighting-Type specialists usually participate in some sort of martial arts.
> Other Singular OccupationsGrass, Ground & Fairy
Grass-Type specialists tend to take care of plants alongside their battling whether Farming or Gardening. Ground-Type specialists are often leaders in some form or another beyond being a Gym Leader. Fairy-Type specialists seem to have a gearing towards the arts.
> Multi-Dominant TypesWater, Poison & Bug
Water-Types are usually associated with Fashion, Sport or the Culinary field. Poison-Types are either Ninjas or Musicians. Bug-Types have the Bug Catcher connotation obviously but also occupations associated with imagery (Artist & Photography).
> Supernatural OccupationsPsychic, Ghost & Dragon
Psychic-Types are almost universally well, psychic or possess telekinetic/telepathic powers. Ghost-Types tend to have an association with the dead although not as dominant as Psychic-Types have with their powers. Dragon-Types are frequently Dragon Tamers or some kind or lore masters.
> The Aloof TypeFlying-Type specialists don't really specialize in anything, there's an association with wind but no occupation is derived from that like mining was for Rock & Steel-Types, basically Flying-Type specialists are the series' unemployed group.