>bw remakes
>first non-faithful remakes
>they add explorable parts to unova
>plasma aren't literal retards and actually feel kinda like they threaten people into submission by fear of insanity backlash
>+1-2 pokemon to every leader
>full team of 6 for every e4 member who play off of each other well
>in general game is a bit toughened up so that you can't effortlessly beat it with a team of consistently underleveled purrloin, lillipup and patrat
>story for kyurem, possibly starting from the beginning of the game and climaxing postgame
>more looker
>post game obscure hero lore
>battle facilities other than subway
>dare i say battle frontier
>contests bc musical region
>something to do with making burgers bc it's fucking america
>dark/light stone optional, when you battle N you can bring your own mon and don't have to use the furbait
>more pokemon that aren't reskins of kanto and aren't from 500+bst mons
>no gift larvesta, no monkey
>lore about unova and sinnoh historically hating each other
>regional forms
>emboar is removed from the game and is never mentioned or acknowledged by gf and tpc ever again
idk i could probably go on