>>48571349>this shit again>>48571351>Illogical schizophrenic gibberishHow is it illogical?
To a person that can read at least.
>There’s no example of a protagonist getting replaced in a remake. prove it. I literally want you to do this.
>>48571366>misinterpret logichow? If the rule is "a region can only have one MC of the same gender" then its broken by Chase and Red. You have to use another argument to prove your points. It really is that simple.
>Also, Lyra and Kris take each other’s place in different universes.It was never stated to be different universes. And in any case, they can still be different people in different universes.
>multiverse means two universesI didn't say this.
>You still don’t understand what multiverse means.kek
>Not a multiverseOh, so actual academic theory only applies whenever you want I see.
>The term multiverse originated from and applies to the many worlds interpretation.And?
>Deducing from Masuda saying not to try making a singular Pokemon timeline and to just play the games to have fun.That's not a deduction at all.
Again then, source?
>That’s the devs explanation, but what does it imply in canon?That Red has all starters
> It means any possible choice of starters are canon, and by extensions any way of playing the game can be recognized in the multiverse of canon playthroughs.No, you added this. Not to mention that they don't correlate as you can't get all starters in a single RGB playthough without trading(and if you add trading your whole vision crumbles). The only other possibility is for yellow to be canon but at that point you already singled out a possible playthrough in a game and thus wouldn't evidence anything regarding the multiverse.
>but in canon it is attributed to the multiverse.source?
>>48571367No, healthy, its only considered "autistic" in this one.
Most other fanbases will laugh you off if you try to say a youtuber rambling is fact.