>>48577193PART 2
>post game: mythicalsgamefreak made deoxys available in base ORAS so it would be cool if all the sinnoh mythicals were available without events
I know jirachi is still an event pokemon but hey this is wishful thinking. You could have sub plots in the post game were you catch each of them like going to the shaymin island, make a temple of the sea type area for manaphy, shake things up with darkrai so that it and creselia share a post game arc and you catch both, and make the regi trio available without transfer so that you can catch regigigas with the base game.
>megas and gigantamaxmegas would be kino but gigantamax designs for the starters and for a bunch of other pokemon
mostly Sinnoh mons but audino of all things got a mega in hoenn so who cares. The normal pokemon gigantamax can afford to get zany but the starter ones should 100% be more cool less "haha meowth but LONG", also gigantamax vespiquen.
>new evolutionsthis is the realm of near impossibility but throw male combee a bone and give it an evo thats like a drone bee or something just give some incentive to actually use one and give it eviolite perks. actual new cross gen evolutions would be nice but eh.
>league cardsthose sports card things they had for the galar league gyms is a nice touch and and is great for drawfags with all the trivia they have. Give all the gym leaders league cards with nifty trivia on the back like mentioning roark and byron's relation and crasher wake donating prize money to help the the unfortunate. Get that twitter drawfag material going for some fan content.