>>48588550Literally all those school issues apply to poor white areas, especially the south when the north fucked over the southern education system and “white washed” their history.
> The other examples of marginalized groups you briefly implicated, unlike black Americans who descended from slavery, also have the honor of knowing their countries of origin and not being forced to bear the surnames of their captors and rapists. You know that blacks weren’t the only slaves to ever exist right? But hey let’s ignore that part and ask, why the fuck that even matters. Why the fuck does knowing your actual surname or “country of origin matter”? Go ask a random white person right now where their ancestors came from, most will just guess Europe because it doesn’t matter to them.
>stopping blacks from having upward mobilityAgain you just blame white people, let me explain to you some things. First off multiple black businesses were ransacked and destroyed by the black panthers, because they were communists and didn’t want blacks to buy into capitalistism.
Then we can mention the banks that made up excuses that “banks aren’t giving out loans to blacks because their racist” only to use predatory loans to keep them in debt. Funny how the “non racist bank owners” decided to basically enslave blacks people like they did to the British.
>>48588588The claim that everyone and society is racist is a very big claim that needs to be backed up. Screaming “racism” and not being able to provide proof is an issue.
While looking through history to find out why blacks are where they are right now, you specifically try to look for racism as the cause instead of looking for the truth.
Hell if you want my own views, it’s because black culture is focused on socialism which is a failed economic model, but I’m sure you’ll still call me a racist.
>>48588614Irish people got killed and discriminated against for being Irish, not all whites look the same.