>>48587002>>48586993>>48586872>>48586853>>48586777>>48586775Outside of pedo shit, I think the thing I hate the most about nu-4chan, more than all of the other atrocities (again, excluding pedo shit) that plague various boards on a day to day basis is the unironic racial propagandizing and general ignorance. People constantly talk about how the government elite will falsify information to keep sheeple in line, and yet they refuse to acknowledge how easy it is to buy a study.
Just because you see more black people in media today than ever before doesn't mean they're taking over or that they're anything more than cattle because they're not. They're still being exploited, only this time as decoys and political ornaments as opposed to autonomous cropsorting machinery.
And yet you post this disingenuous garbage about how blacks are somehow inherently more effeminate than other races, as if any of this LGBTQW2 bullshit would be even remotely acceptable if the elite-adjacent Americans didn't want to do it. As if any of this isn't by literal design.
I watched You on Netflix. Protagonist Joe GOLDBERG beds two different black women over the course of the series. I noticed also, that there are no overtly, irrefutably masculine black men in the series. If a black man is on screen it always comes with the caveat that they are gay (this happens at least twice) or failing that, chubby, soft, and non-threatening. This is a show about a literal serial killer that stalks women and people close to them, pulls them off the street, holds them captive, and murders them. That's a very recent, very LIGHT example of subversive media.
In reality, the list goes on, and on, and on, and on.
tl;dr open your fucking eyes. Stop beating on an entire skin tone and feature configuration that's been very methodically warped and fucked up in order to keep them in line. Everything about America, from the bottom up, is built to convert people into machinery.