[8 / 2 / ?]

157KiB, 1710x900, Pokemon-Sword-Shield-details-Zacian-Zamazenta.jpg
Quoted By: >>48576891 >>48579016
>Transfer a bunch of level 100 event mons from Home
>Beat Peony
>Carefully run to the Dynamax Lair
>Catch a bunch of ridiculously strong Pokemon
>Turn in the Dynite Ore for XL Exp Candy
>Feed 10 EXP candies to Route 1 mon
>Get level 67 beatstick
>Beat Peony
>Carefully run to the Dynamax Lair
>Catch a bunch of ridiculously strong Pokemon
>Turn in the Dynite Ore for XL Exp Candy
>Feed 10 EXP candies to Route 1 mon
>Get level 67 beatstick