Quoted By:
> Fragmention Barrier
> Rock Type; Special/Physical
> 80BP; 5pp
- The Pokemon raises a wall of energy embedded with minerals to negate attacks the turn used. If the Pokemon is targeted by a contact move the barrier explodes towards the impact direction, dealing half physical and half special damage. Priority 1; Fails if used in succession.
- Sample Pokemon to learn: Solrock, Regirock, Probopass, Minior, Flygon, Claydol, Groudon, Torterra, Golurk, Zygrade, Runerigus, Duraludon, Metagross, Gallade, Lucario, Entei, Victini
> Acid Rain
> Poison Type; Weather
> 0BP; 5pp
- The Pokemon sprays a large cloud of toxins into the air above that then condense into an acidic rain which falls to the earth for five turns. For as long as Acid Rain is active, all non poison type's Def and specD lower by half a stage for each turn they're in Acid Rain (max 2.5). All poison type moves also gain 20% chance to poison (stacks if already having a chance to poison). Steel is now super-effected by any damaging move with 'Acid' in its name, and under Acid Rain steel now only resists poison rather than being immune.
> Pokemon that can learn this:
- Venusaur, Vileplume, Tentacruel, G-Slowbro, K-Weezing, Qwilfish, Octillery, Swalot, Skuntank, Garbador, Dragalge, Toxapex, Naganadel
> Pokemon who get this as an ability
- Vileplume, K-Weezing, Garbador